
Steve’s mentorship has been both motivating and inspiring. He has empowered me to develop my own strengths, believe in my own abilities and helped me find success in my role as a counsellor.

He has provided the tools, guidance, feedback and support which has allowed me to grow and flourish. Everyone needs a good mentor; Steve’s enthusiasm, compassion, empathy and expertise in the field makes him an exceptional one.


Before therapy, I felt like the walls were closing in like no one knew or cared who I was or how I was. Everyone was watching me – waiting for me to fail. I wanted to hide away, but I couldn’t, people depended on me. My personality disappeared a day at a time. Then one day it happened. I crumbled, I failed, I started to cry, to panic and I couldn’t stop. My doctor recommended therapy. I thought it was a stupid idea if I am honest, but I agreed – because you have to don’t you? I was so wrong about it.

It wasn’t like talking to a doctor – it was like talking to a friend. He knew how I felt, he listened without judgement, he was there for me. I felt understood, he was interested in my feelings – for the first time in a long time, I could talk about my worries, my failings and not feel useless.

He was interested in what I wanted – not what I thought I should do. He was understanding and knew when to talk and when to listen. It was about me…. and it gave me confidence.

I started to realise that I shouldn’t hideaway, I am a good person and I deserve to be cared for, and I am cared for. It helped me to be stronger and make better decisions, to think about how something will affect me before agreeing blindly because it seems like the right thing to do for someone else.

Now, I have moved into a new job, a new home, a new life. I am more confident in myself and on the few times that I find myself questioning who I am I think about when I was in therapy, and I practice what he taught me, and I start to feel whole again. Therapy brought “me” back.


Life after therapy

When Steven asked me If I would consider writing a few lines on life after therapy my first thought was absolutely no way am I going to open myself up to that type of self-reflection. I was never put under any duress it was a simple conversation and I remember it was via email and done in such a polite kind way as to not place me under any obligation. Even so, as I said in my mind it was a firm no.

A few days went by and in those days I started to wonder about how therapy with Steven has actually improved my life and that of my family, yes at the time I was thinking this is going to cost me a small fortune. Now looking back it was a small price to pay and I’d not have to think twice about it I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Therapy for me was life-changing and I really mean that. If you listen and actually follow and implement the steps Steven gives you then you will see the benefits it’s not instant but it’s also not forever. Therefore after a few thoughtful days, I replied with a yes as long as only my first name is used. My name is Samantha and my age is older than 24 but younger than 46 lol.

What I must say is I went from being so nervous to so calm within moments of the session. Steven has the ability to really get you to open up and was done with genuine empathy, occasional humour, a handful of swear words but always with kindness and understanding.

Anyway, I’m certain you will find that out for yourself when you attend and attend you must! I was going through a crisis, my relationship was failing, kids driving both me and my husband to constant arguments, work-life was stressful, financially Covid was really damaging and although on furlough, 2 adults, 2 teenagers, 1 dog and 1 cat in a 3-bed semi during lockdown was anything but fun.

Over those weeks my Mental Health spiralled out of control I had gone from being wife and mother to house slave, general skivvy, taxi driver, money lender ( kids, like I’m ever going to see that again) to referee, down to us all being cooped up and constant fallouts and arguments. It all seemed to be down to me and no one else gave a damn or understood. All my protestations fell on deaf ears and in short I just gave up.

It was so bad I wanted to end it. A fleeting thought but a thought all the same. I couldn’t see a way out or a way forward at the very least I knew my marriage was over and I needed a fresh start.

A friend recommended Counselling so I looked into it rang a few numbers locally but was not enamoured by the people I spoke to I just wasn’t feeling it.  I was becoming disheartened then I dialled and spoke to Steven. I probably shouldn’t say this but our first interaction was pretty light-hearted. Steven answered very politely with “Liberty Counselling Steven speaking” immediately followed by “ Stupid dog!” and I fell into fits of giggles. The first time I had laughed in ages, poor Steven explained his little dog had seen a cat and flew off the couch and in the process headbutted him as he was answering the phone. Maybe it was fate who knows but instantly I felt relaxed and before we spoke about anything else we discussed pets.

Over the course of the weeks that followed, I went from feeling about a 1 out of 10 to eventually feeling about 8/9 out of 10 which is 2 more than I would have said I was at when things were steady in my life.  Steven got me to understand what was happening and why. How to be more mindful I realised it was not all about me there were so many other considerations and other people to take into account and how I needed to remove things from my world before I could add more to it.

Steven showed me the importance of family and what we mean to each other and how we had lost the ability to communicate and recognise what each of us needed and by who. Steven offered us the chance to include my Husband in the counselling and it was a masterstroke. Yes, it took some persuading but once we entered into it the transformation, an army of 1 become a team of 2 and it was just remarkable.

Steven gave us a safe space to talk over all our issues and to remind ourselves about what our relationship is and identify its strengths and also its flaws.  Armed with all these nuggets of information we embarked on steadying the ship and removing and replacing the toxic things for the really good things. Steven got us focusing on each other and then introducing some of this into overall family life. In the space of around 12 weeks, our lives were transformed. In recent months all of my family are happier healthier and more content than I have ever known. My marriage is stronger than ever and the intimacy is back, most of all we now make time for each other and not let life consume us. I can’t believe I was ready to throw it all away so easily

I still see Steven every 4 weeks. There is nothing outstanding everything is really good but that is exactly why I am having a session it keeps me grounded and allows me to see any speed bumps in the road and a strategy to avoid them.

I have tried really hard not to give away any of the techniques Steven gave to me and to my family. It’s not just as simple as sharing the information with friends in the same boat as me. I could not do what Steven does, it’s so much more than the information it’s how and when it’s delivered to be most effective, and it depends on when and where you are on your own personal journey alongside the need of the person.

I have recommended Steven to friends and I would have no hesitation in doing the same so you can see the results I have seen. Don’t get me wrong you have to put the effort in, do not expect it just to happen without any effort. If any part of you is hesitating about therapy then don’t, as Nike says just do it!


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If you need help with any area of your life, get in touch and we can discuss how I can help you.

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